This is a guest post from Mr. Honey. The lesser-known Honey in this family, I recently asked Sarah if I could contribute to Thank you Honey and she asked me to think of something that would go with the Holiday Season. I took my recent experience from a public speaking class to share in the spirit of the month of Thanksgiving
Recently, I attended a public speaking class. Within the first few seconds of the class, the instructor informed all of us we would be giving a minute long speech and we have 30 seconds to prepare. Before he started the 30-second timer, the instructor told us he would call us to speak in front of the class at random.
Instantly, my breathing increased from the slow deep breaths to short puffs of air. My heart rate began to race and I felt a flutter in my stomach. My mind shuffled through topics like an endless deck of cards.
I kept repeating …what am I thankful for? What am I thankful for? What am I thankful for?
I bounced through topics that instantly came into my head…Family, Wife, Son, Parents, Brothers, Sister, Friends, and Pets.
Then I thought about some of my character traits such as resilience, perseverance, determination, and confidence. I thought about my caring for others, happiness, forgiving myself and others, and my whit. I cycled through my emotions, I was thankful for being alive and thankful for yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
The more I thought about this topic, the more I realized there is a lot to be thankful for. I couldn’t narrow it down; there wasn’t just one thing I was thankful for, there was a lot I was thankful for… suddenly I knew what I was thankful for and what my speech would be about.
My short panting breaths changed to deep full breaths, my heart rate slowed down and I knew my speech. I did not know any of the words I would use to give this speech, but I was ready for I knew every MOMENT I wanted to include. Just then, the instructor called my name and asked me…what are you thankful for?
I walked up in front of the class and addressed them by saying,
I am thankful for the moments in life. Here are my moments I am thankful for:
The first time my son’s small hand held my finger. When my wife said “YES” and the moment she said, “I DO”. The first time Grandpa took me fishing and when he would let me strum his guitar. The crowd of teammates at home plate waiting for me as I rounded third base in little league. I am thankful for the first and last days of grade school. The day my Dad first let me help with the tools. The time Mom let me try the cake batter. I am thankful for the first lick on my nose from my puppy. Wrestling my brother like we were Hulk Hogan and Andre the Giant. The first time my dad let go of the bike and I kept going.
I am thankful for the first dance with my wife on my wedding day. The big smile and running hug from my son and the sound of “Daddy’s Home”. The day we got the keys to our house. Every time I hear the words, I Love You.
I am thankful for the thundering sound of a crowd roaring at a stadium. I am very thankful for the many times when the world tested me and I stood up and accepted the challenge.
I am thankful for playing fetch with my dogs and playing catch with my son. Seeing Disney as a family and Road trips as a child and now with my own child.
I am also thankful for the made up sports games as a child or with children. I am thankful for the belly laugh of children. Playing in the rain. Digging at the beach. Running in the sand and watching the sunrise and watching the sunset.
I knew I would never be able to communicate all the moments that I am thankful for in my life in just 60 seconds. Prior to this speech, I didn’t realize that my most thankful moments in my life involved others. In the end, I am thankful for all of the people that have come into my life because without friends, family, other people, and pets; I would not have so much to be thankful for.
What am I thankful for? Unscripted, on the spot, and only 60 seconds to say. Raw emotional and powerful. Now I’m asking you to ask yourself the question. What am I thankful for?
Please join in by answering this question and asking your family.
Write it, video it, show a picture. PLEASE use the hashtag #WhatAmIThankfulFor
What a lovely list! It’s easy to go to the big picture…I love this list of moments. Very sweet.
Jenn recently posted…Girls’ Night Gift Basket
Thank you – Mr. Honey
What a wonderful TTOT from the other half! I enjoyed every word. That would have been wonderful to have seen the expressions on the faces of others as they listened to you share your thoughts. I’m guessing your comments caused some reflection in the hearts of others.
Pat B recently posted…Ten Things of Thankful
Thank you! – Mr. Honey
A great list, Mr. Honey. Full of big and little moments worth cherishing and appreciating.
Cyn K recently posted…Monday Mixtape: what did you promise them?
Thank you.- Mr. Honey
Nice work Mr. Honey! When i was in college, I had a class in which the teacher did something similar to what yours did. We had just a minute to come up with a two minute speech explaining something few people know about. The adrenaline starts pumping, for sure!
Going through your list of thankfuls brought up all sorts of great memories for me. Thank you.
christine recently posted…On the Road to Recovery. TToT Week 126
Thank you. -Mr. Honey
I’m thankful for the fact that I can always be comforted by the fact that things tend to work out better than I expect, no matter what I’ve done to mess them up. Great post 🙂
Aussa Lorens recently posted…An Open Letter To Whoever Takes My Old Job
Thank you. -Mr. Honey
Beautiful! Glad Mrs. Honey shared your post!
Lisa @ The Meaning of Me recently posted…TToT – The Unexpected
Thank you! -Mr. Honey
Love it! Thank you for linking up to the Ten Things of Thankful!
Kristi recently posted…Ten Things of Thankful: No Matter What, We Can Be Thankful
Thank you! -Mr. Honey
<3 Love this by Mr. Honey! What a great reminder that it really is all of the little moments in life that make up the life we live!
Kate @ Did That Just Happen? recently posted…Funny Faces
Thank you! -Mr. Honey
So sweet – I love this post. And right now, what I’m most thankful for is that (to date) my children have never experienced violence or terror. They have never been truly scared, and they go to bed each night trusting that they will wake up as happy and unburdened as when they went to bed.
Michelle recently posted…Crockpot Mexican Beef In Masa Cups
Thank you! -Mr. Honey
This is wonderfully fabulous! That Daddy’s Home moment is one that feels so good no matter which end of it you are on. I could see it in my husband’s face as the kids ran to him. There was no doubt how happy they were. And my own heart kind of tightened and skipped a beat right at the moment it happened. Enjoy that while they are all still there.
May recently posted…#prayforparis
One of my favorites parts of the day. Thank you! -Mr. Honey
Nicely done….the moments are everything!
Thank you! -Mr. Honey
Oh how I adore this. Every single word of it. I am THRILLED to read your beautiful insight into your own gratitude and oh my goodness, my breathing would have quickened drastically if I was in that class too!!
You nailed it. 🙂
You’ve inspired me. I often run through my moments too… 60 seconds worth- as often as I can.
Sarah, you never told us your hubs was such an incredible writer? SO happy you let him guest post! 🙂
Chris Carter recently posted…The Right Choice… Picking Priorities.
Thank you! I couldn’t believe she let me. -Mr. Honey