Chick Clips Spring is in the air… We’ve got Spring Fever. These Chicks are in honor of the Chicks way home we pass a chicken egg farm. And my Little Dude has a love for chickens. Chicken’s are his favorite animal and one day we will probable have a pet…
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Chicks Clips
Spring is in the air… Everywhere but here. We are crossing our fingers and toes it warms up. We’ve got Spring Fever, and we are itching to get outside. Every day on our way home we pass a chicken egg farm. And my Little Dude has a love for chickens. …
Happy Easter!
Pre-Easter celebration fun at the beach! A tradition started by friends who had no family in town started the tradition of having a picnic at the beach. Everyone is welcome and the more the merrier! Spending the whole day hanging out, cooking, eating, sunning, playing and laughing! This tradition started…
Bunny Cuteness!
Bunny Cuteness! Easter’s was hopping up right around the corner! Easter crafts, dying eggs & “practice Easter Egg Hunts” too! Little Dude and I made an adorable Easter Bunny Face craft. It was super fun and easy. This was one of those crafts that I loved making with Little Dude….