Doesn’t it feel like yesterday that we were celebrating the last day of school and graduation? Back to School time is slowly creeping up. We are halfway through summer break, and it’s time to start thinking about (or celebrating) Back to School. Either you’re the type of person that is…
Tag: Children
Tips for Sticking to a Meal Plan
Each weekend I make fabulous meal plans. I hit the store buy what I need for the week. However, one simple thing seems to come in my way. Time! I run out of time, and my grand meal plan goes out the window. By the time dinner comes around everyone…
Kindness Hearts~ How to Teach Kids About Kindness
If you ever come over to my house, you will notice little yellow hearts in every room of our home. On some of the doors heading out and in our bedrooms, on the front and back doors. I even have one in my car, wallet and Little Dude’s backpack he…
The question came up from one of my “concerned readers”, on another post, Happy Fool’s Day… The “concerned reader” asked… “Is English your second language”? I absolutely love writing and I love my readers. I encourage comments, feedback, shout out, money, baby-sitting services or if you want to come over…

Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas & Printable
Do you remember your first teacher? Or your favorite teacher! Teacher Appreciation Weeks is the first full week in May each year! Don’t forget the teachers that teach our children! Make sure to do a little something special for them this week! What you Need: Bag of seeds, herbs or…
Love, Memories, & Difficult Talks
Life gets busy and messy. No matter how crazy our day- to- day life gets we need to make time for our family. Quality time is the time we need to make with each family member and each one of our children. It is up to us, as parents,…
This is Childhood
Rolling down the grassy hill. Smiling so hard, their little eyes close. Sweet sound of giggles. Soft words that sound like whispers when running and playing tag. Climbing to the highest point in the tree. Watching little heads bob up & down as they run. The wind blowing their hair…

12 Steps… The New Guide to Parenting
Like in any 12-step program there is a key to success. Each step builds on the one before and you have to master them all in order for them to be successful. Reflect on what you have learned, share your story and what you have learned and if you are…