We are getting down to the wire! Our house is sold and we are finalizing last minute details for our cross country move. Well kind of cross country, from the south to the north. The vertical cross country move!
We’re pretty much set. Our suitcases are packed for the time we’re in a hotel waiting for our stuff to arrive at our new home! Flights have been booked & hotel reservations have been made! Crazy to think we’ll be Northern next week!
As I sit here and watch my memories be packed around me, I’m left reflecting and looking back on the move I made to Florida 14 years ago! I was young, unattached and ready to get out of the cold. I never imagined that I would be in Florida for 14 years! My plan was just to come down for graduate school and then move west! Funny how life has a different plan for you! In those 14 exciting years, I moved 5 times and had a lot less stuff. In those 14 year, I finished graduate school, started a career, bought 2 houses, owned a business, married the man of my dreams & had a child! What and amazing life I’ve had!
As we get ready to transition out of Florida I’m also reflecting on the friendship, acquaintances and inherited family I have made in Florida. I’m so blessed to have made some fantastic friends who I now consider family! From being in each other wedding to raising our kids together. I have some amazing friends and I feel honored for that. I also have some friends that have become acquaintances and friends that I thought were my friends who unfriended me & walked the opposite way when they’ve saw me after I told them we’re moving. Obviously their loss!
I’ve learned a lot about friendship here in Florida. The most important thing about friendship I’ve learned is that it doesn’t matter how you look, what kind of clothes you wear, or how you choose to raise your children; it doesn’t matter how much money you have, or how much time passes since we saw or spoke last, there’s never judgement or bullshit, it’s easy, supportive, & loving, and we’ll always be friends! Those are the friends that are real and that is true friendship. Life’s too short for freeloaders, fake friends, & people driven by their own selfish needs.
I will always remember the good times from soul sisters borrowing limos, dancing downtown, weddings in Key West, adventures in SC, hospital baby visits x6, Norman Love, girls trips, Ritz, meeting dolphins, Disney, body paint, what? And many more! I have loved watching my friends grow with me, becoming fantastic women, getting married & becoming moms. I have amazing memories that I will never be forgotten! I’m so luck!! Love you all!
I moved to Florida as a single lady and now I’m leaving a happy wife & mommy with some really amazing friends! Thanks for the fantastic memories Florida!
All the very best with your move and I hope you will settle nicely in your new home and everything goes well for you and your family. Excellent post. You hit the nail on the head as to what is the meaning of true friendship.
Judy Haughton-James recently posted…Caught In The Shadow – Wordless Wednesday Linky
Thank you so much! It’s a bit crazy at the moment but it should end! Thanks for stopping in!