Top of the morning to you! Hope you are getting ready to wear green and prepping your Corn Beef and Cabbage! St. Patrick’s Day is a fun-filled day for the whole family with parades, races, parties, and yummy food! It’s a holiday for everyone Irish or not! St. Patrick’s Day is…
Tag: kids craft

Super Dad Father`s Day Craft
Father’s Day is just a few weeks away and I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with the fact that I didn’t really have any great ideas to do for hubs this year. That never happens. I usually have something brewing for months prior. Oh, Batman… and Little Dude is on…
Easter Egg Frames
Homemade is the way to go! Except for baking cookies. I’m baking challenged especially with cookies that you have to roll out and cut with cookie cutters! So why in the world would I ever have a use for cookie cutters? For Homemade Easter Egg Frames of course! Little Dude…

Snowmen Ornament
It’s beginning to look a lot like winter! Do you want to build a Snowmen? These Snowman Ornaments are adorable and easy to make from the warmth of your home. Little Dude and I made these Snowmen Ornament to give as gifts. I love fingerprint crafts. Okay, maybe I’m obsessed…

Bunny Booty Easter Kids Craft
Easter is right around the corner and Easter Crafts are in full swing. Bunnies and baby chicks are everywhere and they are definitely the theme to most of our Easter Crafts. Little Dude loves to paint on canvas and create fun themed decorations. We created this adorable Bunny Booty keepsake…
Spring Handprint Caterpillars
Think Spring! The Sunshine, flowers buds, baby animals, and Caterpillars! Little Dude and I are searching for signs of Spring. We had been a little stir crazy after a long snowy winter. We’re happy to escape the negative temperatures and enjoy some warmth in Florida. We had more time outside for…
Handprint Santa Craft
Handprint Santa! Super cute & easy holiday craft activity. Create this Handprint Santa for a holiday gift or a cute Christmas card for the grandparents. This is a fun holiday craft activity that is fun to do as a family or while on holiday break. I loving creating handprint crafts with…

Reindeer Prints
Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer film, celebrates its anniversary on December 6! The Rankin-Bass production of Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, was the longest running holiday special of all time. To celebrating Santa’s most famous reindeer Little Dude and I decided to make some Reindeer Prints to go with our Snowman Ornaments….