Washington DC or Bust… Visiting DC was on my bucket list from last summer and we never made it. We were supposed to visit last April during Cherry Blossom season. However, life happened I broke my foot and we didn’t make it. When we decide to drive one of our…
Tag: adventure

Handprint Chicks
I originally planned this craft to be just Little Dude’s handprint to make the baby chick. However when we sat down to do this craft. Little Dude said, “Mommy, I want mommy & baby chicks”! What a cute idea I told him! He is such a sweet boy and I…
Wordless Wednesday Adventures
Road Trip Adventures… It’s amazing what you see at a Rest Stop! Even some culture!
Best of Easter
Chick Clips Spring is in the air… We’ve got Spring Fever. These Chicks are in honor of the Chicks way home we pass a chicken egg farm. And my Little Dude has a love for chickens. Chicken’s are his favorite animal and one day we will probable have a pet…
Chicks Clips
Spring is in the air… Everywhere but here. We are crossing our fingers and toes it warms up. We’ve got Spring Fever, and we are itching to get outside. Every day on our way home we pass a chicken egg farm. And my Little Dude has a love for chickens. …
Who Needs a Snow Shovel?
Little Dude ran from window to window. He said to me, “Mommy, why are bits of paper towels falling from the sky”! I replied and told him it was snow! Then he ran from window to window screaming, “Santa is coming”! Snow, snow, and more snow fell from the sky…