About Sarah…
But First… Grab a fresh cup of caffeine or a bottle of water, get cozy in the sunshine as I inspire you to be AWESOME! Life is an adventure enjoy the journey!
Welcome! I’m Sarah a 40 something year- old, adventure lover, who loves chasing the sunshine and waves, writing, traveling, crafting, cooking, fashion & beauty, shopping, photography, healthy living, fitness and most of ALL living an AWESOME life.
I am momma extraordinaire to one very busy 14-year-old boy, Little Dude and if you have been here awhile some how Little Dude is in the teenage years. Not sure how that happened because I haven’t aged a bit! I have an adorable Cavapoo. We call Jacksonville, Florida our home!
About Write Sarah Honey
If you are new here! Welcome so happy you found this amazing slice of internet! I’ll be sure to dazzle you. If you’ve been a follower. Thank you. Wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you!
Back in the day, Write Sarah Honey was Thank You Honey a popular lifestyle- parenting blog about everyday adventures. From crafting to beauty, recipes, healthy living, recipes, photography, travel, and tips; it is all part of the everyday adventures of Thank You Honey.
I did some news, wrote a lot and raised a gentlemen. Took a break to write a book or two! Check it out.
Celebrity Page
My writing was featured on:
Huffington Post
Great Moments in Parenting
Humor Writers
Say it with a Bang
Work it, Mom
Thank you so much for stopping by and visiting my about page! If you are a brand and are interested in working with me email me at WriteSarahHoney@gmail.com and please visit my work with me page for more information.
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Crafts & DIY
Fashion + Beauty
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